Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Black Boy Activities

Richard's Favorite Movies --

1. Lord of the Rings
Richard relishes the fantastic world of Frodo and company, a sanctuary away from his pressing daily life, strife with hunger, poverty, and isolation.  He feels free in the Shire to explore his dreams.  Frodo's world is tremendously different from the brutal reality of racism, oppression, and poverty for many black boys like Richard in the South.  Furthermore, Frodo ventures on a noble quest to discover himself, a struggle of Richard's everyday.

2. The Amazing Spiderman 2
Richard appreciates Spiderman's personable nature, and understands the gray area that Spiderman exploits as a hero -- breaking the law to save.  Spiderman has the same conflict in making relationships with others in the mainstream as Richard.  Spiderman tries to find a balance so as to not endanger his peers in his treacherous work, and Richard knows that he cannot thrust himself in the social world because he is restricted by guardian strictness and his poverty, despite his desires to do so.

3. The Blind Side
Richard appreciates the silent power of Michael Oher, and empathizes with Oher's struggle in poverty and in finding himself through his passion.  Oher is highly mobile as a youth, and finds success.  Richard understands the way Michael uses silence to convey his beliefs -- Richard does much of the same to resist white prejudice in his numerous jobs.

4. The Thief Lord
Richard revels in the fantasy presented by the Thief Lord, and the mix of pariah and mysticism.  Prosper and Bo in the movie find power on their own, with little nurturing care, like Richard.  The movie represents Richard's rebellious nature, wonder, and curiosity.

5. Slumdog Millionaire
The story of rags to riches through knowledge is inspirational to Richard.  It fuels his questions and dreams.  This movie is miraculous, yet true, and shows how knowledge can elevate one's status in the world.  Richard knows that knowledge is power.

Write That I Poem

Storyteller ~

Write that I am a storyteller
        Playing with fire, igniting a spark
Write that I am a boy
        Under the iron boot of my elders
Write that I discover
        The world is a wonder, and I am breaking out to explore
Write that I read
        To be forever free
Write that I don't believe in God
        Because God is what they have over me, and God is ignorance and conformity
Write that I will not let white people control me
        They cannot oppress me
Write that I am bold
        The scared people cannot bring me back
Write that I will rise
        With words bearing the Southern truth

Instagram Account --


Online Dating Profile (Grandma) --

password: Jesuslovesu2

Abstract Art --

Symbols include zebras gradually losing their identity as the chain gang progresses, and Richard's early distinctly black and white thought processes.  The art also shows the irony and hypocrisy of chain gangs and oppression among black regiments of soldiers serving their country: America.  The book shows the importance of stories in Richard's life, and the fire demonstrates the potential for freedom knowledge brings.  Other ideas are control and restriction, and the harshness of racism and general.  The water shows suffocation.